Hikari Jidoukan Kitaura

Nana of Hikari Jidoukan April 24, 2009
Asahi Greenery Nobeoka
Zaikouji Practing for Sports Day April 24, 2009
Nishishina Art Gallery in Nobeoka
The Lotus Sutra is like the seed, the Buddha like the sower and the people like the field.
I wonder what karmic bonds we formed in the past.
I have no doubt [that I am the votary of the Lotus Sutra].
English comes out of his mouth in Nobeoka.
My new FAVORITE beach in Nobeoka, well, Kadogawa
Kitaura, Nobeoka
Nice Students
First Class with Howard Ahner
Howard Ahner's Home Town
Hikari Group
Bamba Taiko, Nobeoka
Kitaura Jidoukan
Bamba Odori - 2006
Howard Ahner "Paint"
Whitey Beach Ahner
An Elephant Swims
English Links


